Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bandana Pudding

Do you know what it's like to walk into your office and at once feel the need to start the coffee pot, but i need to microwave the last cup from
yesterdaywhilei dumpthegroundstomakethenewcup thefrontdoorneedstobeunlockedincasesomeonedrivesup thetrash icoulddumpit myhandsaredirty - do you? And with your mind spinning you stand and do nothing. Frustration and tension begin as you try desperately to sort out the simple task of walking into a building. You literally have to stop and methodically do one thing at a time forcing focus so that the ball of twine in your brain can begin to unravel. I do.

I don't know whether it is ADD ADHD ADXTC but I know I have it and I know it can be crippling. I just don't think like the rest. I don't know who "the rest" are. I don't know who set the standards. I just know that from the time I can remember, I didn't think like others.

A simple routine like walking into the building in the morning, putting down my bag, turning on the lights, warming a cup of coffee, making a fresh pot of coffee, unlocking the front door, and turning on my computer, could become a jumble of items of equal importance and a race to make the most proficient use of my energy by accomplishing them in the perfect order. Yet they are equally important and could all be done first so my mind tries to move on them all at once and my body is frozen in tension. And this happens four days a week when I enter the building - and it has happened for over a year in this one place. Just imagine the tension when I walk into a video store and try to decide from all of the equally interesting titles that could all be taken home - which one - frozen, panicked - just get me out of here!

Imagine sitting in the classroom, next to the window and the teacher is giving instructions. I am five and I am in military school and I don't know whether to look out the window, look at the class, look at the teacher, write something down, open a book or climb under the desk.The next thing I know I am in trouble for not paying attention. To what? I was paying attention to everything? What does she mean? I must be defective? I don't understand.

We read a story or summarize a poem. I don't see the same message that the rest of the class sees. Why? Is it because I saw something that wasn't there. Like the day I stood under a sign at a Bar-B-Que restaurant and wondered "What in the world is bandanna pudding?" It took a good five minutes of staring and scratching my head before my mind realized there was no "d" and one less "n" - Ahhhh! Banana Pudding! I am also dyslexic. Or is it because my mind is crowded with impressions and images the original author never intended? Or is it because I alone actually understood? Whatever the truth, I ended every discussion in frustration and self doubt. Which only helps to complete the cycle of misunderstanding that brings on my manic depression. That's right. I am bipolar.

Welcome to the world of those who think differently. In this blog, I would like to offer a place for venting, communication and insight for anyone whose mental signature or interests encompass a pattern that is less than "the norm". If you are ADD, ADHD, bipolar, schizophrenic, dyslexic, or otherwise divergent or if you just want to know what it is to live with such a mind, I invite you to join in as I journal the journey of a traveler who is sometimes an alien on his home planet.

Thanks - MK


  1. I once saw a show in which two clowns did a magic show making a bandanna disappear. One was dylsexic. or was that just a dream? - g

  2. Not so much walking the building every morning. I just need to make the coffee. That is my sinular focus. But. During the day as I walk thru the office and the shop, carrying out an errand, I stop topickupthisinordertotakeitthereandstoptowriteupthisworkorderandstoptomakethisphonecall by which time I've forgotten the original errand and have to retracemystepsandforcemyselftoignoreeverythingelaseandjustgetthisonethingdone.
    I become paralyzed mentally and emotionally by the unknown. the prospect of a daunting task, especially when I have to deal with someone one on one. Fear of confrontation and personal conflict paralyze me. So I do nothing. I retreat. I take refuge in non-interaction. I have to recover from the fear and occupy my mind with something, TV or reading.

  3. Doesn't martial arts practice require Serious Mental Focus? I've always wondered, is it a narrowing of focus, or an expansion of consciousness... a tightening or a loosening of internal Grip....

    I let go in books, always have. Go away to FictionLand. Strawberry Fields (nothing is real)and nothing to get hung about...

    I've become very good at Hide In Plain Sight; now I wish I could make it contagious, so everyone could Slow Down and Be Quiet more often.

  4. Mental twists occur naturally in humanity, I have suffered from a verity of twists from an early age. The old nature/nurture debate rages. However, we learn to deal with these mental twists or we become institutionalized. I spent a great many years locked away as a criminal for criminal acts perpetuated while under the influance of drugs and alcohol.
    (Obsessive/Compulsive disorder)The question is often asked, what came first the chicken or the egg? Some believe that the drugs and alcohol damage the psyche that results in the developement mental illness.

    Through my personal experieance I know that mental illness is the beginning of a very difficult way to live, resulting in ways of relating to the world that I find I have limited ability in dealing with approperately. I choose drugs and alcohol as the vehicle of escape, as a way to deal with the confusion and feelings of inferiority.

    A few years ago I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder and Opposional Defiance Disorder.

    To deal with these disorders I acted out and drank and used drugs as a way to fit-in, having grown up in the 60's, when drugs were as socially exceptable as they ever were in our society, I created situations in my life that forced society to lock me away for 25 years of my life. Having tried all types of medications and treatment and finially through a 12 step program and the help of a Power Greater that myself I found God and my life is better than I have a right to. I no longer drink alcohol or use drugs and I am relatively stable. I have to keep up with the counseling and be alert to times of depression and mania and seek medical attention.

    Just for Today I take it easy and realize I have many limitations and ever mindful of the stressors in my life, Oh ya, Trust God to give me the power to deal with life "normally".

  5. I loved reading this, especially paragraphs 4 and 5. I'm going to keep paragraph 4 slapped up in front of my awareness for my son's sake.

  6. JoAnn - In martial arts it is personal growth in self discipline coupled with kinesthetic learning which allows for the focus. I have been a martial artist for 36 years. Still, some days are better than others. Meaning some days focus is more difficult because my mind is uncooperative.

  7. I am powerless over my emotions(E=Motion)the only true control I posess is how I react to those emotions. Focus is disapline gsined over a time after much practice
